About Us

Casadangra is referenced for the first time in a land registry of 1875, as being an "urban building forecourt (...) It consists of a house of high and low tiles with a yard and running water fountain (...)".

The house maintains to this day the original features, as well as the original materials, including the sobrados, doors and shutters, made of resinous pine and pine from Flanders. The yard and the fountain subsist and in the restoration carried out in 1999 it was possible to verify, through the materials used and the construction marks, that the current building was built on a previous one and with some materials from that same building.

  • In the oldest representation of the city of Angra - the Letter of Linschoten -, dated 1595, it is visible the existence of Miragaia Street already urbanized, which confirms that we are dealing with a property with materials that date back to the beginning of the city of Angra.

    Opened in March 2015, under the concept of reuse, this accommodation is essentially intended for those who visit Angra and Terceira island for its architectural, historical and environmental richness, and who want to be in direct contact with the local culture and nature.

The bedrooms 2 and 3 are located on the 2nd floor, which can be accessed via two flights of stairs. Bedroom 1 is on the 1st floor and this is also the floor where the owner lives. There are also 4 kittens living in the house.

Breakfast (optional) is served on the first floor.